. May 20, 2012

1st day

haw tabby!

feel like im having baby step towards expanding my world.

the class went well. it was kinda fun. a perfect venue to improve my social skills and, err, flirting skills..

there were 8 of us in class. and our coach, shiela was such a sweetheart. 

when we were about to go home and i was waiting for P, the next class' coach smiled at me. i smiled back (can we call that flirting?). he then asked my name. and ask if i was in his class and so on.. he said ingat when we finally left. haha..i should have done more. but the thing is, im just so elementary when it comes to these stuff.  everytime that i make an effort to flirt, i find it really funny that i feel like i might just laugh out and blow the whole thing off. my parents were natural in this thing though. maybe i should make them teach me how.

i feel like its essential to learn things like this. flirting, afterall, is an important weapon in a woman's battlefield.


baby steps..**sigh***

but who knows.. i might just get there..

08:05 PMにcinderellaareus によって書かれました。

4 コメント

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Comment posted on May 20th, 2012 at 09:07 PM
uhnn. u-fufu. really not into romantic stuffs, but really like this read.


u go, yeah. aye.
Comment posted on May 21st, 2012 at 08:04 AM
wow..thanx..hehe..glad that you like it..^^
Comment posted on May 20th, 2012 at 08:28 PM
Hahaha. This post makes me smile. Kilig! :))
Comment posted on May 21st, 2012 at 08:05 AM
hehe.kilig nga.nothing happened yet though..goodluck to me!!..


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