. August 30, 2012

random random random

guni-guni sucks. made me worried about the future of the philippines' cinematography. i wonder if the film makers nowadays know that film making is supposed to be an art..

but its nice to be with a friend even when the movies suck and all.


took 2-days vl..no work for me til tuesday. got loads of boring stuff to do. i wish the house wont be so messy when i get home..

im trying to think of a path to lead my career to. it just suck when you dont know what you want in life even up to now when youre no longer young..i miss having dreams...but come to think of it..i never had one..

for now id like to use the time i have for improvements and learning stuff. maybe id have yang tutor me for web designing or something.

the jlpt exam is fast approaching, ive been skipping class because of this baby named misono that ive been working on. but the works almost done so no reason to procrastinate some more. i dont like to fail. i hate failing. so its either id study my lessons or resign before the exam comes..so which one should i choose?..that we will see..



its like feeling the bad things coming before they actually do. it basically let you feel the anxiety twice.

the priest from yesterday's mass said that fr. mario's in the hospital recieving a treatment. as of what treatment, i dont know. the priest was talking about things like why do bad things happen to good people and of him recieving news about his friends and collegues dying, having stroke, or being sick with cancer. i wonder if fr. mario's one of these friends and collegues he's talking about..oh, heavens, please, make him well..i wonder if i can go visit him to the hospital. maybe it wont do much but i really want to go.. ... oh heavens, heavens..please..


my chest hurts..

today marks the 2nd week of being sleep deprived...



now thats a super random and totally unrelated stuff..

 its happy weekend for me.. )


12:11 PMにcinderellaareus によって書かれました。


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