3:56 pm and im so sleepy.
im suppose to draw a floor plan for my uncle's house, but instead, i washed the dishes, sweep the floor, generally cleaned the house, watched tv and a whole litany of other boring things. great. my way of procrastinating things makes me look like an ideal housewife. dang.
home alone today. parents went out for their social life and i was left alone to man the house. i feel like my parents are actually enjoying all these, me being jobless and all. coz, see, now, they've got a new housemaid→me.
earlier this morning, a cousin, who had been a foreman for so long, talked to me over the phone. he is yet again convincing me to work with him and get contractual projects. he'll do the job, i'll sign, and hooorray!!, we will earn money!!! well, its actually a legitimate plan. it may actually work. only,,, I DONT LIKE TO DO IT!!!!so, i, yet again, refused.. i dont know.. i guess, its how that someone ive met from one of my jobhunts said it, e. about "being used, but not useful". i think i just want to do something and believe that it matters. or maybe i only want to do something when i believe it matters. basta.
sighss. i hope that this idealism can feed me or pay bills.
well, so much for this.
04:14 PMにcinderellaareus によって書かれました。