. June 16, 2014


weekend's event done and over with.

met some relatives i havent met before.

thinking back, i realized, most of the georgous men ive met in my lifetime are either taken or blood related. =(

a few tita's even commented that maybe if we hadnt known we were relatives, we wouldve ended up together.

ok,, this is not helping. erase.


having a tita who's obsess in bragging about her niece(me) made me the most overrated person in the clan. it bothers me how some of the younger ones claim that they want to be like me when they grow up. one of  them had already taken the same course i took.. same university even .. and even the little ones are now saying they'll do the same. funny how these kids are running after something that ive long left behind. something ive already ran away from. funny, there are people who want to be like me when i dont really want to be myself. this is the kind of funny that is not funny at all.

i am starting to feel bad about  it, but i decided i wont take responsibity over something that i didnt decide myself. free will, free country. still, i hope that these kids will not end up like me. but then, hey, i am not so bad.. but yeah, yeah, whatever.


will be going to pansol this weekend. outing with everyone..its been a long time since it last happened. im super excited!!

that's a whole week away.. fast forward to weekend please.




{ 気分} SAD in capital letters

10:07 AMにcinderellaareus によって書かれました。

2 コメント

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Comment posted on June 16th, 2014 at 05:09 PM
or maybe you don't appreciate yourself enough? :p
Comment posted on June 16th, 2014 at 07:12 PM
i actually do. i think its more like i have expected so much from myself and wasnt able to meet my own expectations.
but i do not intend to disappoint myself any further though. :)


My name is Z. Let's get along :)





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