could be that time of the month..
or maybe the lack of sleep..
or the stress..
or the mess... in my life.. in my stuff.. in everything.
im finding it hard to control my temper lately. especially with the house needing a lot of fixing and with most of my stuff missing and no one seem to know where what is.
was so angry i want to kill everyone in the house. sabi what u express expands daw. i did try not burst-- i failed.
know what, ive seen death before. i know the horror. i know how real dying is. and because of that, ive decided to set aside my pride and choose to love those that i care for now that they are still alive. because they can die any moment. I can die any moment. and from there, i will lose every chance i have in loving them-- no more second chances after that. i know.
it's just weird how when you hurt(intentionally or unintentionally) the people you love, the hurt just naturally bounce back to you.
urgh. this is such a bad day.
07:37 AMにcinderellaareus によって書かれました。