. December 3, 2012


an accident this morning.

the bus, I was in, collided with a car. there were blood and shattered glasses.i dont know how it happened. i was sleeping when a sudden jolt from our bus woke me up and people were screaming. the tires skidded left and right as it tilt sideways. i thought it gonna overturn. ive waited for it to overturn. it didnt. and the it went down slope backwards approaching a colossal column. i waited for the collision.it didnt come. it was weird. i wasnt terrified.. i think i was more like...curious...jeez..im abnormal. fragments of broken glasses were flying in front of me. the whole time i was covering my ears, and up to now, i dont know why, i was protecting my ears intead of anything else.

a guy then approached me. calmly asked if im ok. and calmly directed me to get out of the bus. people were in panic. to me, everything's a blurr. but i wasnt scared. weird. when everyone's out of the bus, there were blood. the guy who approached me ealier went back to me to ask if i was wounded or something because he was covered with blood that was apparently not his. he thought the blood came from me. i was feeling perfectly well, so i said im fine, but checked nontheless. my shirt was stained with blood too. not my blood i guess. shards of glass were stuck in my hair. good thing they didnt hit the skin. im alive.

i am usually scared of blood. but when the guy who was badly hit by the accident came into view. i just stared. like a robot. no emotion whatsoever. his face was covered with blood pouring down to his body. i cant feel any emotion. even now.

this is the first time that i ever had an accident. i dont know if the lack of fear is due to my faith(not so likely), or indifference, or maybe i plainly  just dont care about my life. it feels pathetic to be like this.

but know what...

im happy and thankful that im still alive...


03:22 PMにcinderellaareus によって書かれました。

4 コメント

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Comment posted on December 4th, 2012 at 10:08 AM
welcome back, not your time yet :p
Comment posted on December 5th, 2012 at 11:17 AM
oohh schwarze..thanks..haha. yeah,maybe not yet
Comment posted on December 3rd, 2012 at 03:49 PM
oh my, hope you're doing fine. ingat!
Comment posted on December 5th, 2012 at 11:17 AM
thanks princess..im super fine now.. you too..


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