. June 5, 2014



that's the best my Japanese can get. its arctic here at the office and ill be off in an hour. yay!


billy called me yesteday asking for a meetup. i was surprised he called. when i ask why he's asking for a meetup he just said, "e di ba financial adviser nga ako"... ok. fine..jeez..i have a really bad feeling na bebentahan nya lang ako ng insurance. whatebs.. still, i said yes.. ive decided ill be saying yes to the universe from now on..well, i still have a few exceptions of course.

been feeling uber tired and sleepy today. i was too lazy to sleep last night so i ended up re-reading some red colored book and did some self evaluation.

which reminded me..

you see.. i think i already know what i want to do with my life... =)

with this, ill be norrowing down my choice and choose only to do things that will make me get there.

clarity. i think this is it. yeah..this is it. whatever. haha.. ang gulo ko.

{ 気分} cold..nah.. freezing

10:14 AMにcinderellaareus によって書かれました。

4 コメント

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Comment posted on June 6th, 2014 at 01:13 AM
I meant "don't stop stepping up your way there"

typographical error (chuckles)
Comment posted on June 6th, 2014 at 01:12 AM
You think you already know what you want to do?

That's good.

You'll be just fine, Derella-chi.

Go stepping up your way there.

Where are you btw?

Comment posted on June 6th, 2014 at 10:44 AM
Thanks liru-chan..
"Where are you btw?"→just walked around the metro to escape from work. lols.
Comment posted on June 6th, 2014 at 10:17 PM
Escape from work


Totally can feel your sentiments there


My name is Z. Let's get along :)





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