. May 12, 2015


clearly, it's hard to ask about something you already know.


i lack cunning. ive seen women who're just so skilled at it and watched them with awe, thinking, maybe if id be more like them, maybe id get to get things i want. well, im actually good at getting things i want in other areas of life-- those that dont involve people. but then i think, maybe, i can use honesty and sincerity instead since that is my strong suit.

i lack cunning. so what?

if life is a battle, then maybe some can use spear if they are good at it. others may use bow and arrow. we dont all have to use similar weapons, right? if slingshot is what you're good at, then make use of it... even the young david won over the giant warrior goliath with a slingshot. so why not?

im getting so fed up with my life's situation. if cunning is not my strong suit, then im gonna try honesty and sincerity instead. im willing to go for whatever works.

watch me, world.



or wag nalang kaya? sighss..


{ 気分} chicken

09:27 AMにcinderellaareus によって書かれました。

2 コメント

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Comment posted on May 12th, 2015 at 08:05 PM
yes, life is a battle. but not with others - with ourselves.
Comment posted on May 20th, 2015 at 01:16 PM
yeah, that could be true sometimes.


My name is Z. Let's get along :)





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