the thermometer reads 38.1.
am i sick?
it's pretty pointless getting you temp when you dont know what range makes you sick or not. tinatamad akong mag google.
i feel like there are boulders inside my skull, chest and back.
am i dying? ... sighs.
i just want to lay in bed right now but parents left and i need to man the house. i wish id get better tom as i need to go out with some friends and have a life.
i need diversion. i wonder if this is because i feel sick (or maybe i am indeed sick), but im feeling so upset.
sabi ni bo sanchez, what u express expands daw. maybe it wont help writing my feelings down and should instead think happy thoughts..
think happy thoughts..
damn, with this skull cracking headache, i dont think id manage that.
i better sleep.
10:42 AMにcinderellaareus によって書かれました。
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