水曜日. July 8, 2015

the Heavens and the really bad guitar

read in the book im currently reading(re-reading actually) about this someone who wanted to build a guitar for himself but dont know how to start.

When he asked the founder of a world-renowned guitar manufacturer, "What is the best way to start?" The founder answered something that goes, "Go make a really bad guitar." The concept was,  stop putting it off and go do it- even if it means you'd start off making something really bad. I guess same could be true in other areas of life. particularly that area. which made me think, 'oh, maybe this is what i need. Start with a really bad guitar.'

see, i have this little-miss-perfectionist side where i put things off until everything looks perfect before i start. i wonder if that's just my ingenious way to procrastinate. or bail out. or whatever.

i wonder if i should start and make something really bad instead.


and so yesterday morning, i went to the chap. asked the Heavens, "give me a bad guitar, will You?"

and I thought I saw Him wink, which I took as a "sure my child, wish granted."

maybe it was just a trick of light... or maybe because my vision's not really that good to begin with (got 200-200 eyesight).

also, im just Human too. I admit im not free from my own biases....


So, Heavens..

is he Your 'really bad guitar'?

or is this just a really bad idea?


panata day Wednesday. I need this..



07:22 AMにcinderellaareus によって書かれました。


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