金曜日. July 17, 2015


holiday friday and im here at work but not really working so there's nothing really to complain about, right?

id love to do some weekend soul-searching somewhere where i can see the sky tainted with orange streak plus a view of the sea and so on, but im currently in a strong need to regulate my expenses. so i guess no.

might be watching mmxxl with yang this weekend. i miss my girls. i miss injan too. there are lots of things id like to talk to them about but it seems like all of us are lost in each of our individual lives nowadays. it's saddening. i wish bff's here. or i wish i can fly to malaysia to be with her... i wonder if this is just the weather getting into me.. plus i might be pmsing. it makes one suicidal sometimes.. or maybe it's just me.

but i decided, im gonna be bigger than all these. that if life wants to knock me down, then it should do better than this because im tougher (naks).

anyway, stumbled upon some book with a title, "the mating game". not really the type of book you'd like to be seen with, but i think its a good one. the approach is rather scientific which make it seem credible. plus the descriptions on female sides were pretty spot on so im guessing that same goes for the male part.

in the book, there's this mating rating quiz where you can evaluate your mating rating to which i scored 156 which says:

"The people in this range are confident, self-assured go-getters. They know what they want in life and they regularly go for it. Rarely will this bracket drop down a level unless there is a major life crisis that drags them down, but before long they will be planning to get back up there. If this group has a problem, they don't need to be told; they are probably already doing something about it. These people are resourceful. This is where movie stars, millionaires, world leaders, CEO's , business leaders and the most desirable partners live."*

nice description, right? i wonder if i had a wrong result or i answered the quiz wrong. lels. but im sticking to it. touch move pwera bawi. haha.


still not feeling fine.. nothing can seem to soothe me lately. but this will pass.. just like everything else. i know this too will.



* source: The mating game- by Allan and Barbara Pease


10:52 AMにcinderellaareus によって書かれました。


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