金曜日. December 25, 2015

twenty five

Twas just me and partner at the office today. He brought triple chocolate cake and we had a mini celebration. Thou it could be a bit sad but there are few things i like about being alone at the office. For one, we can freely talk secret stuff without partner making my nose bleed by speaking in jap just so no one else will understand.

Some people love spreading gossip.. Me, I love keeping secrets.


Last working day of the year. Long sleeeeeeeeeeep, here I come. Will be going to bff's new place Tom. Asked ice to come along with me and she agreed. Told me she'd bring her motorcycle and could give me a ride. Fell off a motorcycle a few years back (it was actually more like the motorcycle fell ON me). I don't know if I can bring myself to ride one again. I think I'd rather walk.


I thought I felt you. I thought I sensed your presence. I expected you to be there... I thought you were there...

But you weren't...

Humans are programmed to avoid pain. If a sharp edge caused u a cut, u will naturally avoid that same sharp edge because you know it will cause u a cut. But how come same couldn't be true for the heart. Crushed, bruised and broken and yet you kept coming back for more. I know I cannot tolerate this insanity anymore.


A few days to go.

I'm going to fix all this.

08:34 PMにcinderellaareus によって書かれました。


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