木曜日. October 13, 2016

sweaty eyes

a few things making my eyes sweaty lately.

1. thangs

it's been nearly 2 months since she left. for some reason, i liked quite a number of dog related fb pages and i know this will not help me to move on. most of the posts are breaking my heart. but i guess there are just heartbreaks that one doesnt want to move on from.

there was this stray dog who's been coming to the house often. dad's been feeding him/her (i dont know the gender yet). i asked parents for us to keep the dog. dad said he will once it became tamed enough because right now it's still very fearful when approached. mom was against it but i told her that it could be my thangs reincarnated. i was just joking, but then i ended up imagining thangs being that dog left afraid, hungry and homeless, i almost ended up crying at the dining table.

2. that

i overheard crazy little thing airing at the pantry's tv. i dont know why im getting touchy about love-related topics lately. sometimes i feel ok about everything, but there are just those times when loneliness bites and it sucks.

i guess it's not really about having it. it is about those ugly voices inside your head that keep asking, "am i not lovable?" Boy, it damn hurts.

i trained myself to be a robot. to be not so emotional about anything. everything. maybe i didnt train myself enough.

3. them

just read the fb message from etm officers' group chat. g and mentor will be busy for business/work related matters. said this friday's meeting will be their last meeting for the year. they'll be delegating duties among club officers just so we can still have a meeting even without them around.

im happy for them but im just sad about not seeing them. 2.5 months. that's such a long time.

but then, maybe all these are just me pmsing

01:53 PMにcinderellaareus によって書かれました。


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