Hello Tabby. It's Friday!
Been feeling down for some time. Must be the weather.
It's been raining more frequently lately. I love the rain. I love how it makes me sad sometimes. I think sadness is good. When felt sparingly, that is.
Will be meeting the girls later. Just some chat over coffee. I think I'd rather have beer. They don't drink beer.
Yesterday, Mom was asking me to accompany her in meeting an acquaintance who works for an LGU today. Mom rarely ask for my presence. I felt bad that I couldn't say yes because I have work and couldn't file a leave because Partner filed his a few days ago.
I need sleep. Badly.
We have guests at home. I feel sorry for our dog, Gigi. She must be tired from barking all the time.
We'll be having a day out with the guests tomorrow. Mom wants me to go home earlier tonight. I don't know how can I possibly do that if I'll be going out with the girls 3 hours bus ride away from home.
I love my home town and all. I just wish I don't have to travel this long every single effing time.
Rainy days mean silence. Peace. I can imagine sitting by my favorite chair, reading a good book this weekend.
Seems like it's not gonna happen, but I'm not really complaining. Sleep is non-negotiable though.
Been sad for the entire week. I have to be happy next week if I'd like to stay sane. When was the last time that I had meaningful human interaction?
08:19 AMにcinderellaareus によって書かれました。